Parking on The Street by the Church. There have been multiple instances of inconsiderate parking which blocks driveways and/or blocks sight lines making it dangerous for residents to exit their driveways. If you are parking near the church please park away from driveways to ensure that residents can safely enter and exit their properties. Thank you.
Welcome to the Website for Dockenfield
The Parish Council aims to work as a team to provide the best service possible for the whole Parish and local community, obviously focusing on Dockenfield itself and at the same time having an awareness of wider issues affecting adjoining parishes in both Surrey and Hampshire. Over the past 20 years the vision of the Parish Council has been to protect but not fossilise. We feel all residents should if possible to play a part in keeping Dockenfield special.
The combination of this website, monthly Parish Council Meetings in the Church Vestry and the newsletter (printing funded by the Parish Council) should go a long way to ensuring issues and events are flagged up. Within the Parish Council we have a Chairman, Vice Chairman and three Councillors. The Parish Clerk is the officer to the Council. The Clerk deals with the day to day running with the Chairman and also acts as administrative support/financial officer, often project manager and public relations officer! The first meeting minuted in Dockenfield in Surrey was 4th December, 1894 which was held in the School Room in the Street. Reverend Moody was Chairman. Meetings are open to the public, all may attend, and we welcome your participation.
Amanda Adolph Chairman, Dockenfield Parish Council